Greensborough Patriot

Aug. 28, 1862

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            Died—In Richmond, Va., August the 13th, Capt. P. A. Peoples, of Mississippi, son of Col. Allen Peoples, deceased, formerly of Guilford county, N. C.  Capt. Peoples was a young man of fine promise for usefulness to society, and high position in his profession.  He had but recently finished his studies, and entered upon the practice of law.  The call of his country for his services to assist in driving the invading foe from her soil was obeyed promptly, and he entered the army amongst the first volunteers from his state.  He received two severe wounds while leading his command in the battle of Malvern Hill, June 27th.  After suffering about six weeks from his wounds he died.  During his affliction he was kindly cared for by his friends, among whom was his cousin, Mrs. ____ of Greensborough, N. C.

            Of the manner in which this young officer met death, his friends will be glad to learn that he died in hope of heaven.  The following extract from a letter written by Rev. D. Marshall, who frequently visited him, will be both appropriate and satisfactory.  “I have visited him repeatedly and am happy to say, I think he has given all his heart to Christ—He enjoys nothing but the theme of religion.  He seems as much in earnest and as truly penitent as any man I ever saw closing life.  He is hopeful and calm, and I feel that for him to die is gain—through the abounding grace of Christ.”

                                                                                                N. H. D.W.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]